Frequently Asked Questions
I have a Papermaking or Art-making question. Can you help me?
I offer an Online Papermaking Consultation service.
Can I Collect Your Art?
Art sales are managed by me, the artist, and shipped directly from my studio. Use the form below or email to request a price list of currently available work.
Or, schedule a studio visit to collect my art in-person. My studio is in Pawtucket, RI. If you're not in the area, we can do a virtual studio visit so you can view artwork live. Right now, I only have the bandwidth to hold studio visits for interested collectors, curators, art writers, or gallerists.
I also release new work a couple times a year, please join my Notification List here. 🌿🌊.
Can I use/Rent your papermaking Studio or Hollander Beater?
Nope. I keep my papermaking studio and beater for my private use only.
Are you teaching a Papermaking workshop soon?
I teach papermaking online at Signup for the Paperslurry Weekly email newsletter to receive invitations when enrollment opens up.
Do you take custom Paper orders or sell blank handmade papers?
Nope. I’m an artist who uses the hand papermaking process to make my artwork.
So do you know who does take custom orders and sells handmade paper?
Go to, there’s a section toward the bottom with a list of papermakers who sell handmade paper online, and who might take custom orders, too.
Can I be your Studio Assistant?
* takes a sip of coffee *
I’m not currently accepting studio assistants. You’re still welcome to use the contact form and tell me about yourself. I’ll add you to my Studio Assistant list even if I don’t respond back, so that if/when I’m looking for an assistant I will let you know about the opening.