Passing Notes: Papermaking Collaborative Installation

Get ready for some juicy photos of Passing Notes: A Handmade Paper Collaborative Installation at the Gya Gallery at Yeyo Arts Collective in St. Louis, MO. This was a project I was part of in March 2011 with Megan Singleton and Sarah Shearer ( fellow Louisiana State University printmaking and sculpture graduate students).

We made poured pulp sheets from cotton, banana and bagasse (sugar cane) fiber, and printed on it with a giant woodcut and monoprint stencils. Megan made amazing paper cast sculptural pods with banana paper, and screen printed with poem snippets about the Mississippi River.

This is an installation you need to walk through to fully experience the textures, printed imagery, and the paper’s transparency.

If you happen to be in Dallas, Texas in February, Passing Notes will be installed at the University of Dallas as part of a national papermaking show.