Installation at Paperworks Pop Up Gallery in Providence RI

In or around the Providence, Rhode Island this January? I’m happy to announce an installation of new papermaking artwork at the Paperworks downtown storefront.

On view are 6 handmade paper works. Each has a portion of previously made works (ranging from cast pulp prints, silkscreen prints, seaweed books, river mud books) embedded in transparent abaca fiber.

More interesting, in this alternative space, it was exciting to view these as 2-sided works. Depending on the lighting and time of day, these paper pieces transform dramatically. I’m still planning on stopping by a few more times to see how they change!

On view through January 2016
Paperworks Pop-Up Gallery
73 Dorrance Street, Providence RI

Thank-you to my friends at Paperworks for the opportunity, check out their Instagram too.

Embed Series, Installation of 6 embedded handmade papers, 15″ x 20″ each, 2015.