One Day Workshop: Kokedama in Your Landscape - Oct. 27 at the Providence Art Club


Kokedama in Your Landscape, by papermaking artist Megan Singleton, is inspired by a desire to create art through interaction. The project spreads information about local and native plants using the Japanese Bonsai method of containing plants into small moss balls and that are hung up, a technique known as Kokedama. During interactive events scheduled throughout the country, the root balls of local flora are covered with wet, freshly made sheets of plant-based handmade paper. Participants learn how to create their own Kokedama and take it back to plant into their landscape. In return, participants are asked for an image of the plant in its new home and the coordinates of the location, which will in turn be mapped and documented on the Kokedama in Your Landscape website.

This event coincides with a site-specific installation using plant papers created in collaboration by May Babcock and Singleton, part of the exhibition at ReSeeding: Ethnobotany in the Urban at the State Capitol.

At the Providence Art Club, participants of all ages will be familiarized with Rhode Island native and wild plants through this very special art event.

Sunday, October 27, 1-3pm
Providence Art Club
11 Thomas St.
Providence, RI 02903

Registration Required

Register by calling Angel Dean at 401-331-1114 ext. 16
or by emailing

Presentation $15
Reserve a Kokedama plant to take home for an additional $30. (Total $45)

Quantites of Kokedama limited, so reserve early if you would like one!

More information at

workshopsMay Babcock